“A-vast behind, pieces of eight, dastardly deeds are afoot down in Davy Jones’ Locker.
Keel-haul the duffers and make them walk the plank. - Me hearties!”
Well -er actually NO. It’s true they lost a gold anchor, probably melted down for bling at the lodge and the tall ships have disappeared over the horizon but there are small sparks of glimmering light at the end of a long tunnel.
Plans for replacement of pontoons, London Array HQ under construction, slipways demolition rejected, rumours of the Maritime Museum opening in the Spring, a harbour review, discussion papers on the future of the Harbour, Port and Ramsgate town as a whole. Perhaps the message about “listening to the people” has got through at last, or perhaps it’s just election year (cynical or what?)
Anyhow, it’s about time we raised the profile of the Royal Harbour and realised the potential role it can play in the regeneration of Thanet, not just as a tourist attraction and a fun palace but as a working port, pleasure marina and a Royal historic harbour.
I believe the Ramsgate Royal Harbour is the most important asset in Thanet, dare I say it, even more important for regeneration than the holy grail (TC), so over the next few days I am going to explore various aspects of the Royal Harbour, its history, its attractions, its workings and its future, feel free to agree or disagree in the comments section.